Why do we prefer water cooling?
In these days, many people experience much higher energy prices than before, and with growing concerns for climate change we are being asked to take care of our power usage. With these changes, many requirements and standards are set for the building of private housing. However, no such requirements exist for power intensive industries.
We want to change those standards for our industry, and set strict requirements for ourselves on behalf of our clients, our employees and all other stakeholders in the areas we establish data centres. To build efficiently and sustainably, but also to reuse as much of the power as possible, to gain twice the value or more for the same power.
Water cooling is simply the easiest way to do that. It can be more expensive, complex and difficult, but it is far easier to transport heat in water compared to air. Additionally, the water cooling solutions are more compact, they produce less noise, and they allow for more elegant designs.
When machines are cooled down by the water, the water gets heated up and can then be delivered to a farming facility, for aquaculture projects or even drying of material. Since the cost of heating up water can be extremely high, players in these industries can now be served with hot water completely free.
And while we do everything in our power to ensure there are users of our excess heat wherever we go, we also take great consideration into what we do with the water should there not be any.
We can adapt our systems to inner circulate more and not use as much water, before we release water into the same area as the intake after cooling it down to original temperature. Since this all happens in vacuum sealed systems, the water is not affected in any way and returns in the exact same quantity as before it was used.
That being said, even if there are simple uses of the excess heat we will implement those first, while plan for the larger projects that can take even better advantage of this free resource.